Search for customers
Find a single customer
Find a single customer based on the UID returned when the Customer was created.
Customer customer = gateway.customer().find("customer_uid");
When searching for multiple customers, you can use search criteria appropriate to the specific property type.
Object properties
Searching based on object properties.
CustomerSearchRequest searchReq = new CustomerSearchRequest()
.company().is("Widgets Ltd")
.mobile().is("555 444 333")
.phone().is("555 444 333")
CustomerCollection customers = gateway.customer().search(searchReq);
Billing address
You can search for customers based on their billing address properties.
CustomerSearchRequest searchReq = new CustomerSearchRequest()
.addressCompany().is("Widgets Ltd")
.addressLine1().is("street address 123")
CustomerCollection customers = gateway.customer().search(searchReq);